Monday, February 22, 2010

Endless Questions in a Timeless World

Sittin by the window, starin at the sky, never ending oceans of memories whoze tides keep washin d banks of my mind every now n then as I cherish them forever, makes me wonder that... why cant we relive a moment all over once again? or possibly go back to our lives, rewind and replay?..probably reliving all the glories and correcting all the mistakes, it wud've made us al,l better people than what we are and with better people it definitely would've made this whole world a better place to live for all living beings! wouldnt it be nice? Why is it always once chance? One Exam, One wedding, one birth, one death, one opportunity, one moment that could change everything? One accident, one issue in the way that controls your life?

If these things are just 'One' thing that we could've seized and then changed the world over then there we have other 'things' which are always in bulk!! Why is it always so many problems, so many worries? so many things to do n remember? Why so many responsibilities? Many sorts of pain, misery n disappointments? so many heartbreaks?

And all of this is interlinked with eachother and a man is let alone to face n think and live his life through in the best possible way and all this for what? What major can a man achieve? Making a rare invention or a discovery is that an achievement? does it make a man worth living his life? and nobody lives forever, its unfair to even think of something stupid like that? how is anyone rewarded? Man made something good and useful for another man and other men awarded and rewarded him, is that it? what are we all here for? then what is it that makes living so unique and subsidiary to death?

Suppose we are living in a box which we call it a world or rather in scientific terms what we call it a Universe with so many stars and galaxies and planets. We are 10thousand times smaller than an atom in size when measured with respect to the universe. Do we have other such boxes or universes and whats beyond that? who created this universe and for what? what is this entire setup of world, universe, heaven, hell, man, animals and aircel savetigers dot com? for what is this all? I am no saint, scientist nor a philosopher. I dont intend to become one, but just a common man's thought, I really want to know whats beyond this universe and who made all this with what intention? what is the brief history of time? when did the first tick of a second in the clock called TIME start in this universe? and what was before that? Will I not have Endless Questions in a Timeless World? I think I should research more, will continue to record my findings :) thanks for readin, dont get affected by my xtended part of brain thinkin universal extensions :)