Sunday, October 20, 2013
10 hacks to Glory - Keep walking!
10 hacks to glory!
1. Design strategy thinking - efficient problem solving. A problem is a problem only when seen as a problem.
2. Know what we do why we do - a BIG WHY - clarity breeds mastery
3. The ONE thing that we passionately follow - chasing 2 rabbits will fetch you none! know what you want.
4. I could do - versus - I should do - prioritize small things and then you can fit most of your work in a single day - Organize better.
5. Small things done consistently will lead to significant large results - Make progress Everyday. Big things dont happen to anyone overnight. It is the decade long passion and effort that will get you there.
6. Walk - walk physically, walk in your mind, walk through differences, walk the phases - walking makes you observe things from up close, examine life very closely.
7. Wake up early, CRAZY EARLY...
8. Be kind to others,
9. Be helpful
10. Be Yourself
Collected these after reading a bunch of stuff. Hope it helps...
Friday, October 18, 2013
I hate the degree but I love education!
So you found out the value of x, you mastered trigonometry, you learnt Cayley Hamilton Theorem, you understood inertia, you did differential equations in calculus and covalent bonds, so there you worked hard and got those marks your dad would be proud of, you got the degree! Congratulations.
I used to wonder, why I had to learn all this crap which I am never going to use in real life! They said, you study well, you get good marks and thats the only thing that can fetch you a good job.
And that was Bullshit.
Its the first true theory about controlling a society. Right at the level of granular psychology. A society that is made to think that only a good degree from a branded school/college/university can earn a better livelihood. A society is thus controlled by a lie which everyone almost magically believes to be true!
I partially agree. But, I still ask, where are you using your algebra now? what happened to matrices? where did trigonometry go? Worst of it all, we let some so called 'learned' guy set up a question paper, about someone else's findings, inventions and discovery, and we spent a whole goddamn year's effort in 3 hours, and someone else corrected those answers and decided our life in terms of Marks! Are you worth only numbers? Is your future only worth some numbers at the hands guy who does not know you, who rated your answer paper you wrote at the final exam?
This is the part I always wondered, from childhood days! and I still don't see a point why and how sheep like we are! I know, many reading this blog will still find the system right, and they'll have their own validations. It shows how closed we are and how pathetic and ignorant our society is. We are made to believe that this is how it works, this is what we should study! Because someone had to make money, someone needed to create a reputation, someone had to become a brand, someone had to call it a market! If Education was meant for a job, like what our elders say, then is our education system effectively producing enough job ready candidates?
Survey says 85% of Indian engineers and graduates are un-hirable! unemployable! This is as per the 2012 CAGR report on Indian Employment market.
Still every year school and college fees are increasing, education is getting costlier by the day, competition is growing worse, a race that has become a burden, the sharpest kid in the class is not the one who is going to become a socially impacting person who will help the lives of many! no, no way! why? because he is too ruthless, he is too selfish, he is too brutal, he is too competitive and he is too stupid!
Wake up to truth you all! I am not blaming education, I want education, I love education and we have to embrace it. I just hate the system. Cant you see, we are made to choicelessly go through subjects which we dont use or we are not interested in! Isnt that changing the real capability of a person that's inherent in him. Note that every individual has something very special about him, we are all equally special and talented but have different interests and skills. Thats how we are all not the same. Yet, the number system, the grading, the ranking is measuring everyone in the same way! in one exam, in one test! in one sitting!
Its like you have put a monkey and a fish in a tree climbing competition and the fish has no choice but to score less marks compared to a monkey!
And to top it all there is Reservation system! oh man this society sucks!
A school could never teach me, neither did anything important or useful did my graduation offered to me! What I know of, what I have learnt is what situations have taught me! My resume is filled with skillsets, and not even a single one came out of a textbook!
Wake up to truth, dont enroll your kids just because your neighbour said its an international techno school that charges 2 lakh rupees a year and has a swimming pool or take your kids to a foreign trip! what your kid needs is real education, that comes from real life! Let them learn music, arts, programming, about plants, animals, about being human, about humanity, about what they really are passionate and interested in.
Exams dont teach survival! A Final exam is not final, a Test is not testing how good a student is, its not creating an innovator or encouraging the creative side. Its measuring everyone in the same line and thats wrong! who got us these tests and exams, who set us up with this system? See below
If you got time, please check out the below video, an Eye opener! Dont let those marks decide the fate of our next generation!
Remember, Society is wrong! You have the chance to be right!
I used to wonder, why I had to learn all this crap which I am never going to use in real life! They said, you study well, you get good marks and thats the only thing that can fetch you a good job.
And that was Bullshit.
Its the first true theory about controlling a society. Right at the level of granular psychology. A society that is made to think that only a good degree from a branded school/college/university can earn a better livelihood. A society is thus controlled by a lie which everyone almost magically believes to be true!
I partially agree. But, I still ask, where are you using your algebra now? what happened to matrices? where did trigonometry go? Worst of it all, we let some so called 'learned' guy set up a question paper, about someone else's findings, inventions and discovery, and we spent a whole goddamn year's effort in 3 hours, and someone else corrected those answers and decided our life in terms of Marks! Are you worth only numbers? Is your future only worth some numbers at the hands guy who does not know you, who rated your answer paper you wrote at the final exam?
This is the part I always wondered, from childhood days! and I still don't see a point why and how sheep like we are! I know, many reading this blog will still find the system right, and they'll have their own validations. It shows how closed we are and how pathetic and ignorant our society is. We are made to believe that this is how it works, this is what we should study! Because someone had to make money, someone needed to create a reputation, someone had to become a brand, someone had to call it a market! If Education was meant for a job, like what our elders say, then is our education system effectively producing enough job ready candidates?
Survey says 85% of Indian engineers and graduates are un-hirable! unemployable! This is as per the 2012 CAGR report on Indian Employment market.
Still every year school and college fees are increasing, education is getting costlier by the day, competition is growing worse, a race that has become a burden, the sharpest kid in the class is not the one who is going to become a socially impacting person who will help the lives of many! no, no way! why? because he is too ruthless, he is too selfish, he is too brutal, he is too competitive and he is too stupid!
Wake up to truth you all! I am not blaming education, I want education, I love education and we have to embrace it. I just hate the system. Cant you see, we are made to choicelessly go through subjects which we dont use or we are not interested in! Isnt that changing the real capability of a person that's inherent in him. Note that every individual has something very special about him, we are all equally special and talented but have different interests and skills. Thats how we are all not the same. Yet, the number system, the grading, the ranking is measuring everyone in the same way! in one exam, in one test! in one sitting!
Its like you have put a monkey and a fish in a tree climbing competition and the fish has no choice but to score less marks compared to a monkey!
And to top it all there is Reservation system! oh man this society sucks!
A school could never teach me, neither did anything important or useful did my graduation offered to me! What I know of, what I have learnt is what situations have taught me! My resume is filled with skillsets, and not even a single one came out of a textbook!
Wake up to truth, dont enroll your kids just because your neighbour said its an international techno school that charges 2 lakh rupees a year and has a swimming pool or take your kids to a foreign trip! what your kid needs is real education, that comes from real life! Let them learn music, arts, programming, about plants, animals, about being human, about humanity, about what they really are passionate and interested in.
Exams dont teach survival! A Final exam is not final, a Test is not testing how good a student is, its not creating an innovator or encouraging the creative side. Its measuring everyone in the same line and thats wrong! who got us these tests and exams, who set us up with this system? See below
If you got time, please check out the below video, an Eye opener! Dont let those marks decide the fate of our next generation!
Let them choose! Dont let the system choose them! We should know to make our own fate, not let some unknown guy scoring the answer sheet! or a bunch of papers!
Remember, Society is wrong! You have the chance to be right!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
A Scientific Analysis on Thoughts in relation to Quantum Physics
Many Nobel prize winning Physicists have proven time and again beyond any sort of doubts that the physical world is one large ocean of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds over and over again.
Many ancient books reveal the same energy quotient through which transcendental movement between realms and time was a possibility.
Scientists like Stephen Hawking in his book "The Brief history of time" does conclude that the black hole, time, universe are all derived from energy. Nothing is Solid, this is the world of Quantum Physics.
They have also proven that the thoughts are what put together, and stay together in this ever changing dynamic energy field into what we call as "objects" that we see.
So, I ask, why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?
I will tell you why I ask this stupid question, and reason my stupidity.
Think of a movie reel.
A movie is a collection of 24 frames per second. Every frame is separated by a gap, however, because of the speed that is twice as fast as persistence of vision the one frame replaces other makes us feel that its a continuous moving picture. Thus the word movie is derived from Motion Picture. Our eyes get cheated and we see a constant motion of things
A TV tube is simply a tube with heaps of electrons hitting the electrode in a certain way as per the signals, creating the illusion of form of motion. A signalling system is necessary.
Similar examples of Telecommunication can be given, where what we hear are a few electronic packets crashing and making a sound based on a signal. Thus we have Analog and digital phones, IP, GSM etc., these are all signals, that follow a particular spectrum.
This is what all objects are in physical world too. We have 5 physical senses - Sight, Sound, Touch, Smell and Taste.
Each of these senses have a specific spectrum - for example, a dog has a different hearing wavelength, and can catch frequencies of low decibels than us. A snake said to have heat detecting capabilities in which it sees heat as a form of light and so on.
In other words, our set of senses are derived from the ocean of energy from a certain limited standpoint and thus comes up with an image of that. Thats why you might have thought once that all these yoga saints and philosophical speeches are crazy, I still think on that lines when they say "yeh moh maaya hai, yahan pe sab nashwar hai" and blah blah that goes on.
This image creation is not complete, nor it is accurate. Its only an interpretation.

Have you ever wondered how your mind confirms that its a smell of a pizza, how its dosa or vada and how suddenly body chemistry works to tempt you to eat that and mouth waters at a subconcsious levels and you feel hungry etc., What is that smell, who tells our brain that its food? how does our mind decipher from something that we cant see yet sense it? give it a thought.
All of our interpretations are solely based on the 'internal map' of reality that we have, and not the real truth. Our map is a result of our personal life's collective experiences.
Our thoughts are linked to this invisible energy and they determine what the energy forms, our thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create your physical life.
You should know this - Humans have evolved form a primate ape to what we are today because of their thoughts. Thoughts have ignited evolution, that means thought have the power, and power means energy.
Look around you.
Everything you see in our physical world started as an idea, an idea that grew as it was shared, experimented and expressed, until it grew enough into a physical activity through a number of steps.
our thoughts have created the bulb, the train, the airplane, the TV, the cars, the rockets and ships etc., they were all once thoughts in someone's mind.

You literally become what you think about most - this is true.
Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most.
The world is literally a mirror, that enables us to experience in the physical plane what we hold as truth, or faith until you change it.
Quantum physics shows us that the world is not the hard and unchangeable thing that it appears to be. Instead, it is a very dynamic flexible place evolving continuously, going someplace, thats build using individual and collective thoughts.
What we think is true is really an illusion, almost like a magic trick.

Fortunately, we have begun to uncover the illusion and most importantly how to change it.
What is our body made of?
Alright, we have Circulatory, Digestive, Endocrine, Muscular, Nervous, Reproductive, Respiratory, Skeletal and Urinary systems - So we agree its a system.
What are these made up of?
Tissues and Organs
What are tissues and organs made up of?
What are cells made up of?
What are molecules made up of?
What are atoms made up of?
We are pure energy, radiating light, in its most beautiful, perfect and intelligent configuration. Energy that is constantly changing beneath the surface that we control it all with our powerful mind.
We are one amazing stellar and powerful Human Being.

If we could see ourself under a powerful electron micrososcope and conduct other experiments, we can see that we are made up of cluster of ever changing energy in form of electrons, neutrons, photons and so on. Our character is the spectrum.
So is everything else around us. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it.
An object does not exist independently of its observer. So, as we can see, our observation, our attention to something and our intention literally creates that thing.
I did not want to be taking quote of a religion or a event, but this is scientifically proven and let me limit this analysis to science and only science.
Our world is made of spirit, mind and body. Ours is a Quantum Mind!

Each of these have a function, a role to place that is unique and independent of each other. What we see with our eyes and experience with our body is the physical world, which we shall call body. Body is an effect, created by a cause.
This cause is thought.

Body cannot create, it can only experience and be experienced...that is unique function.
Thought cannot experience, it can only make up, transform from one form to another, and interpret. It needs a world of relativity that applies theory or relativity (the physical world, Body) to apply itself.
Thus we are the master of our own destiny, can be logically proved true. The key with all of this information is how do you learn to see the universe differently than you do now, so that you can manifest everything that you truly desire or desire to be.
Waking Times
Image Credit
Many ancient books reveal the same energy quotient through which transcendental movement between realms and time was a possibility.
Scientists like Stephen Hawking in his book "The Brief history of time" does conclude that the black hole, time, universe are all derived from energy. Nothing is Solid, this is the world of Quantum Physics.
They have also proven that the thoughts are what put together, and stay together in this ever changing dynamic energy field into what we call as "objects" that we see.
So, I ask, why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?
I will tell you why I ask this stupid question, and reason my stupidity.
Think of a movie reel.
A movie is a collection of 24 frames per second. Every frame is separated by a gap, however, because of the speed that is twice as fast as persistence of vision the one frame replaces other makes us feel that its a continuous moving picture. Thus the word movie is derived from Motion Picture. Our eyes get cheated and we see a constant motion of things
A TV tube is simply a tube with heaps of electrons hitting the electrode in a certain way as per the signals, creating the illusion of form of motion. A signalling system is necessary.
Similar examples of Telecommunication can be given, where what we hear are a few electronic packets crashing and making a sound based on a signal. Thus we have Analog and digital phones, IP, GSM etc., these are all signals, that follow a particular spectrum.
This is what all objects are in physical world too. We have 5 physical senses - Sight, Sound, Touch, Smell and Taste.
Each of these senses have a specific spectrum - for example, a dog has a different hearing wavelength, and can catch frequencies of low decibels than us. A snake said to have heat detecting capabilities in which it sees heat as a form of light and so on.
In other words, our set of senses are derived from the ocean of energy from a certain limited standpoint and thus comes up with an image of that. Thats why you might have thought once that all these yoga saints and philosophical speeches are crazy, I still think on that lines when they say "yeh moh maaya hai, yahan pe sab nashwar hai" and blah blah that goes on.
This image creation is not complete, nor it is accurate. Its only an interpretation.

Have you ever wondered how your mind confirms that its a smell of a pizza, how its dosa or vada and how suddenly body chemistry works to tempt you to eat that and mouth waters at a subconcsious levels and you feel hungry etc., What is that smell, who tells our brain that its food? how does our mind decipher from something that we cant see yet sense it? give it a thought.
All of our interpretations are solely based on the 'internal map' of reality that we have, and not the real truth. Our map is a result of our personal life's collective experiences.
Our thoughts are linked to this invisible energy and they determine what the energy forms, our thoughts literally shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create your physical life.
You should know this - Humans have evolved form a primate ape to what we are today because of their thoughts. Thoughts have ignited evolution, that means thought have the power, and power means energy.
Look around you.
Everything you see in our physical world started as an idea, an idea that grew as it was shared, experimented and expressed, until it grew enough into a physical activity through a number of steps.
our thoughts have created the bulb, the train, the airplane, the TV, the cars, the rockets and ships etc., they were all once thoughts in someone's mind.

You literally become what you think about most - this is true.
Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most.
The world is literally a mirror, that enables us to experience in the physical plane what we hold as truth, or faith until you change it.
Quantum physics shows us that the world is not the hard and unchangeable thing that it appears to be. Instead, it is a very dynamic flexible place evolving continuously, going someplace, thats build using individual and collective thoughts.
What we think is true is really an illusion, almost like a magic trick.

Fortunately, we have begun to uncover the illusion and most importantly how to change it.
What is our body made of?
Alright, we have Circulatory, Digestive, Endocrine, Muscular, Nervous, Reproductive, Respiratory, Skeletal and Urinary systems - So we agree its a system.
What are these made up of?
Tissues and Organs
What are tissues and organs made up of?
What are cells made up of?
What are molecules made up of?
What are atoms made up of?
We are pure energy, radiating light, in its most beautiful, perfect and intelligent configuration. Energy that is constantly changing beneath the surface that we control it all with our powerful mind.
We are one amazing stellar and powerful Human Being.

If we could see ourself under a powerful electron micrososcope and conduct other experiments, we can see that we are made up of cluster of ever changing energy in form of electrons, neutrons, photons and so on. Our character is the spectrum.
So is everything else around us. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes it to be there where and how we observe it.
An object does not exist independently of its observer. So, as we can see, our observation, our attention to something and our intention literally creates that thing.
I did not want to be taking quote of a religion or a event, but this is scientifically proven and let me limit this analysis to science and only science.
Our world is made of spirit, mind and body. Ours is a Quantum Mind!

Each of these have a function, a role to place that is unique and independent of each other. What we see with our eyes and experience with our body is the physical world, which we shall call body. Body is an effect, created by a cause.
This cause is thought.
Body cannot create, it can only experience and be experienced...that is unique function.
Thought cannot experience, it can only make up, transform from one form to another, and interpret. It needs a world of relativity that applies theory or relativity (the physical world, Body) to apply itself.
Thus we are the master of our own destiny, can be logically proved true. The key with all of this information is how do you learn to see the universe differently than you do now, so that you can manifest everything that you truly desire or desire to be.
Waking Times
Image Credit
Monday, October 7, 2013
When I first found my full time job, I was 19 years old. I had my "Pursuit of happiness moment" then and I have been working ever since. I am 28 now. Looking back at my past, I have had many firsts, like the first failure, first escalation, first heart-break, first fall, first salary hike, first performance review, first accident, and hundreds of many more firsts, but in all of this, the lessons were old, told to me many times by life, that I can do better than I what I have done, I can be more nice to people, more kind and helpful, more loving my family, more caring, a better friend, a better employee, a better entrepreneur and finally a Better person. And second chances came in plenty, thank you god!
When I was a kid I too saw the movie Lion King, I liked it so much that I remember a particular incident, perhaps more than any other movie I recall this one below
Probably because I head to learn from it!
I still know where I came from, and clear as to where I have to go!
I will make it big or I will die trying! atleast I wont end up as a remorseful dead body! And I like the below video, reminds me to stay humble and hard working!
And the below video is for those who are fearless and who connect with those words which are not on the lines but in between :)
When I was a kid I too saw the movie Lion King, I liked it so much that I remember a particular incident, perhaps more than any other movie I recall this one below
Probably because I head to learn from it!
I still know where I came from, and clear as to where I have to go!
I will make it big or I will die trying! atleast I wont end up as a remorseful dead body! And I like the below video, reminds me to stay humble and hard working!
And the below video is for those who are fearless and who connect with those words which are not on the lines but in between :)
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