These bits of motivation and power are needed as a daily dosage to all those struggling and fighting entrepreneurs.
The longer you’re not taking action
the more money you’re losing – Carrie Wilkerson
If you live for weekends or
vacations, your shit is broken – Gary Vaynerchuk
Go Big, or Go Home – Eliza Dushku
Most great people have attained
their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure -Napoleon
Opportunity is missed by most people
because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work – Thomas Edison
Have the end in mind and every day
make sure your working towards it – Ryan Allis
He who begins many things finishes
but few – German Proverb
The best use of life is to spend it
for something that outlasts it – William James
If you think education is expensive,
try ignorance – Derek Bok
Entrepreneurship is living a few
years of your life like most people won’t so you can spend the rest of your
life like most people can’t – A student in Warren G. Tracy’s class
Lend your friend $20, if he doesn’t
pay you back then he’s not your friend. Money well spent – Ted Nicolas
Be nice to geek’s, you’ll probably end
up working for one – Bill Gates
To never forget that the most
important thing in life is the quality of life we lead – Quoted by Tony
Hsieh on Retireat21
Its better to own the racecourse
then the race horse – Unknown
When you go to buy, don’t show your
silver - Chinese Proverb
It’s easier to ask forgiveness than
it is to get permission – Grace Hopper
To win without risk is to triumph
without glory - Corneille
Example is not the main thing in
influencing other people; it’s the only thing – Abraham Lincoln
Associate yourself with people of
good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company – Booker T.
Keep away from people who try to
belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make
you feel that you, too, can become great – Mark Twain
There is only one success–to be able
to spend your life in your own way – Christopher Morley
You don’t buy a nice car and get
rich you get rich and buy a nice car – Unknown
Fall seven times, stand up eight -
Japanese Proverb
One day your life will flash before
your eyes. Make sure it is worth watching – Mooie
Whatever the mind can conceive and
believe, the mind can achieve - Dr. Napoleon Hill
I have not failed. I’ve just found
10,000 ways that won’t work – Thomas Alva Edison
If you ain’t making waves, you ain’t
kickin’ hard enough – Unknown
What is not started will never get
finished – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Do not wait to strike until the iron
is hot; but make it hot by striking - William B. Sprague
When you cease to dream you cease to
live - Malcolm Forbes
5 Favourite Quotes From Films
Shawshank Redemption
Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying.
Remember Red, hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can
set you free.
American Gangster
The loudest one in the room is the
weakest one in the room
When Huey Lucas flaunted his Nicky
Barnes-like superfly outfit at a nightclub, Frank stepped in and dressed down
his dressed-out brother. Frank told his brother he was “making too much noise”
by wearing a “clown suit” that acted as a billboard to the police advertising,
“Arrest me.”
Catch Me If You Can
Two little mice fell in a bucket of
cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn’t
quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter
and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo
Life’s simple. You make choices and
you don’t look back.
Forrest Gump
My Mama always said, ‘Life was like
a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.
To our success in 2009,
Michael Dunlop
Hope you enjoyed it
thank you