Do you remember how you waited at the bank for your token number to be announced after you filled in the check at the counter?
How hard it was to dial through the free dial up internet modem connection from BSNL, how important it was to know the nearest telegram office, post offices etc., ?
How that one movie played on Doordarshan made your day, how pleasant it was to watch that one cartoon program which came once a week. How those comic books of Tinkle, panchatantra, Asterix and Obelix, Hardy boys, Nancy Drew, Wisdom, Superman, Mandrek and other Marvel comics etc., many more were fun, how we used to play the snake and ladder/chess/business game as if it were the best in the world,
The first time TV video game, Contra and Mario nailed our days of summer vacation.
How social networking meant that we all friends met at the nearest ground/park and played our favorite game, or how our relatives met at a aunt's wedding?
How you went to a restaurant and you immediately got a seat to sit and addressed by a caring waiter, who quickly delivered your order? - do you reckon that? how small things of happiness meant so much more. But now, now although we get a lot more, are we really all happy? the ones who know the value are, the ones who dont are not.
I was just trying to relate all of this to today's scenario and how Technology has changed the lives of many. What came to us as a change, we welcomed it with a lot of eagerness. But for the ones who did not know technology roadmap, or how it advanced, new innovations became a very common thing, there was no "big-deal" about it, they never really got to know the Value or the purpose of what they get for what they pay. They got used to the every week new mobile handset release, new android apps, versions, games, new car release, new invention being made., etc., and they care less about the amazing technology, they just want to own, flaunt, curse, crib and enjoy.
With this came a breed of impatient mutant teenage technoignorants. Even if it takes 2 seconds extra to give us the ringing sound when we dial out from our cell phone our young generation get so grumpy, as if their money has more value than anything in the world, or how angry they get on the cell phone if it gets a little bit slow in processing the last 5 buttons we have pressed. The poor phone had to dial out through the PSTN out of the many PBX that it had to pass through to get them their friends' cell phone, give it a minute goddamit. Today's newest generation especially, are born as though the world owes them all the greatest things they deserve.
A 10 minute flight delay is unbearable, if youtube does not play the file even if it gets stuck only once, our young idiots cant resist. The ATM card makes the counting noise for a few nano seconds longer, they get so impatient "WTF" is their favorite word. Yet, they love to wait in the queue for 2 hours to get to eat at a food joint, they love to stand like beggars at the mall in a long queue even after paying 5 times more for a dish which hardly tastes any good and search for a place to sit because every seat is occupied. I mean how can they pay 100 rupees for a coffee or watch a movie for 350 rupees, buy a samosa for 80 rupees when they know they are paying 10 times high?
Just dress up, go to a stupid place, get your snaps taken, posted on facebook! They dont just go to the stupid place but they give stupid expressions to the camera, they look stupid, with the duck face look. I am not annoyed or jealous, I go enough places too, I have a lot of photos, but the difference is I have not posted as a show off or to brag. I posted to keep a memoir, even with me and Veena were listed on Page 3 of TOI, we did not feel we should use the FB app on our mobile and put our location stamp there. So what they share where they went to party, whats the point in announcing it to the world that you drank and lived a sick life one night? When did eating non-veg became a strength statement while it only brings diseases in old age? when did smoking a cigarette became style!
I read on a site and I was shocked to learn that our teen and the current early twenties generation, by the time they turn 40 will be suffering from Hearing issues (due to extended earphone-headphone usage), partial blindness (for wearing adultrated suglasses, TV and movies), Cancer, Cholestrol, Ulcer, Baldness, migraine, arthritis, spondilitis, epilepsy, and the ones that are currently going regularly to the gym and munching on that extra protein supplement are definitely going to end up with Obesity when they turn 40, etc., and many such ailments.
Whats the fun in buying the costliest smart phone, when they know nothing about maintaining it, or the value of it? how easily they curse the phone for not meeting their expectation the very second day they buy it? Do they know how many inventions has taken place ever since the first phone was launched? They lack patience, they drive like maniacs on the road call themselves cool. This is so sad.
I do agree we should break the rules, but we should never break the Law. I am saddened to see how our next gen has given their lives to commercialization, how they have lost their basic moral ethics and become so materialistic and mean.
I hope we get enough strength to coach them and show them the real values of life,
please G+1 if you liked. I did not read after I typed, it was spontaneous. So please expect mistakes, this was a last min blog I posted because I couldnt resist not posting it.
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