Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Pivot and what can one learn from it?

Pivot = A change in strategy without a change in vision - this is a term coined by Eric Ries, author of "The Lean startup" has now made this word a business vernacular.

Eric observed some of today's most iconic companies like, YouTube, Twitter, Groupon etc., had abruptly changed course before they became successful. If they hadn't, Twitter would have stuck with audio podcasting, Groupon would've continued organizing political protests (and no one would have heard of them) and YouTube would have been a video dating site. Paypals original mission was to beam IOUs from Palm pilot to Palm Pilot. Flicr grew out of a massive multiplayer online games as a way for players to drop photos into text messages.

Fab.com came out of a failed gay social network called Fabulis. Instagram;s founders created a check-in technology called Blubrn before settling on photos. Pandora was a B2B music recommendation service. Yelp transitioned from email recommendations from friends to a local search and user review website.

They all "Pivoted"

SnapDeal started out as an marketing venture selling discount coupons, and today they are going global. Flipkart wanted to sell mobiles online, but, competing with Amazon and Ebay worldwide.

Change was needed sometime as they evaluated the growth trajectory

Firstly, they were focused on what they wanted and then they Pivoted based on the evaluation on what they believed would serve or earn money.

How much do we Pivot in our offices? in our businesses?

Nokia once made paper and rubber boots. Nintendo sold playing cards. The Marriot chain of hotels which is the largest chain of hotels in the world today, began as a root beer stand in Washington DC.

Microsoft only wanted to make operating systems! IBM used to be a billion-dollar computer manufacturer and now its a billion dollar seller of business services.

What can we learn from this?

Richard Branson published an indie music magazine, Tom Hanks wanted to be a standup comedian, Arnold Shcwarznegger wanted just to be an actor, Sachin Tendulkar wanted to simply play in the Ranaji once before going back to School.

What exactly constitutes a pivot?

Its applicable to everyone, every startup, every business that exists today.

"Clarity breeds mastery - the more clear you are on what you want, the more focussed you can be to achieve that. Everything else will fall in place - Robin Sharma."

So lets all Pivot towards what we want to be. Wherever you are, whoever you are in whatever condition, it can change and get even better.

If you dont plan for your own, then chances are that you will fall into others' plan. Guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

Many things aren't equal but everyone gets the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We make time for what we truly want.

It all comes down to focus and effort. If you want something you've never had then you've got to do something you've never done.

No substitute to Risk, Persistence and hardwork. Period

Resist the Naysayers who tell you that you can't do something or indirectly repel your approach. If they laugh at you, or advice you not to do it, tip you to do something else instead, etc,. these are signs you are heading in the right direction.

I'm going after mine, what about you?

Wish you all may have the most productive year, Pivot consciously and grow to your true potential, discover new strengths, scale up in everything that you're doing and go on to make the world a better place!
Happy new year


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Power of Nothingness

Everything started with absolute nothing! the stars, the galaxies the world! they were all a small particle in the infinity! they were nothing!

The universe has got its power to create a flow, just like metamorphosis or a cycle just like the black hole or the nebula!

Success is pure physics! Success is scientific. What we become, what we create, whom we serve is all a process of what we think!

Let me prove this to you in layman terms.

Imagine a pressure cooker. Yes the one they use to cook rice. Consider what a grain of rice in boiling water and high pressure steam will go through as heat is applied externally. Raw rice changes its form into boiled rice. We call this a natural phenomenon. Simple isnt it?

Heat applied boils water and converts it into steam, steam pressure builds up and thus the end result is achieved.

Take any example, where a natural phenomenon forces a change. Global warming, Green water table, Soil erosion, Evolution etc., are some examples of changes. Man evolved from an Ape due to force applied externally causing a change. A goat evolved to a Giraffe trying to chew on a leave taller and harder to reach!

Channeled Force + Time = Successful Change!

Now imagine yourself standing in a park. Imagine an aerial view of yourself from the sky, then zoom yourself out to see the whole earth, then the entire solar system, and the whole of our galaxy, and then the whole of nebulae spiral, and finally perhaps an entire universe. Imagine the universe to be a huge big box. I dont know whats outside of that box, but lets focus on whats inside of it. Because thats where we are.

We are just a tiny particle in the huge universe, agree?

Let me deviate a bit and draw you to some more visualization - Imagine, how gravitational collapse creates an interstellar medium, this chain reaction induces supernova explosion due to the ionization of energy of gravity and heat combined with carbon and elements a neuron star takes birth!

Star that has a force, force of gravity that is acting across the universe. This attracts particles, law of mass - big bodies attract small bodies. - In some way like this in layman terms, earth was formed along with other planets in the solar system. Ionization caused ionosphere, thus we have a blanket of atmosphere. This act of gravity and ionization and change induces, evolution!

One fine day, organisms and microbes evolve and during the course of time, humans like you and me have evolved and we continue to evolve in the force of nature and threads of time.

Lets go back to that Rice example that I gave you. Think from the Rice's perspective. Rice harnessed the power of universe, well it didn't have much of a choice. But to get a bit more anatomical, the atoms in the molecules of that rice grain were covalently bonded with the hydrogen and oxygen electrons due to a high pressure environment.

How are we different to other particles? You agreed above that we are nothing but just a tiny particle!
There is energy flowing through us, all the time! Energy of the vast infinite universe! Powerful and mysterious force that when channeled can bring in change.

Thus we have the power to harness the power of nothingness! We are a part of this universe, we are a physical body in a meta physical world with continuous forces of nature are constantly acting on us and all laws of physics known to man applies!

We have a choice, how we channel the energy to open up our minds, how to renew our spirits, and open up limitless possibilities for breakthroughs in every aspect of life! is why we have perhaps we have been given this life, it is that same force that you and me are here, you and me have evolved to be here! and it is why that the power is us, within us!

Its never too late no matter where you are or what you are! Start now and focus on what you really want, use your mind, and let the universe do the job for you.

Like the saying goes "if you deserve it, the universe will serve it"! you just have to think without doubts, believe without fear and work without lethargy!

We often chase conceptual dreams of wealth and short term fame and success. It is a blindness prevalent due to the dark matter in the universe (google out dark matter) that prevents the energy manifold! Open up, think bigger.

Look at the sky, see how vast and infinite it is! This sky is your mind, this ionosphere is the abundance of space provided for your thoughts to flow, to give back into the world, to contribute, to channel the transfer of energy you are that particle medium! Let the vastness flow, let yourself become an extraordinary being of luminescent power who can create, who can resolve, who can save, who can protect, who can spread the energy, happiness and thus become success beyond imagination and measure!

Go get your piece of the world, create your own pressure, make your own break, your own change! I'm on the journey of creating mine!

thanks for reading.
